23 May 2009

Metlako Falls

Right now we are sitting in a little mexican cafe in Hood River after just running the biggest drop any of us had ever seen and now run. We came to Hood River and didn't even know that Metlako was in town, heard it was running, then ran it. Yea boi! Cheers to Ali's girlfriend Allie for standing on the dodgy ledge to get these photos of us running the goods!

The team of 4 Kiwis and 1 Brit at the top
Josh with the first run

A sequence of my run

Butters droppin it like its super hot!

Berno's time to shine
Ali's run

With such a perfect drop at such a good flow it would have been rude to pass up the opportunity. We only had one swim with Josh getting ripped from his boat, my paddle getting ripped from my hands and nailing a cheeky little hand roll. So we had great results with no broken or lost gear. Stoaked that everyone fired it up so that we can all celebrate tonight for memorial weekend, Hood River style!

1 comment:

Tea Jay said...

Hey guys!! looks like you're having an awesome time over there - I almost crapped myself when I saw these latest pics... you all have balls of steel. lol. take care on that water and of each other please! - your def. livin' life to the fullest ;)

Tara (Chee's sis)